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> The Poisoning of the Well

20 January 2006, 07:25

Have another look go at the War of1812 I think you must have picked up a rewritten version.

On another topic for the not so religiously minded I rather like this comment;

After his bout with cancer Lance Armstrong spoke to a group of students at Stanford University. Someone in the audience asked him how his belief in God had helped him as a patient, he replied with: "Everyone should believe in something, and I believed in surgery, chemotherapy and my doctors." I’m assuming the questioner was disappointed and prayed for Lance anyway
why must there be a meaning to life? or to death? a purpose or a reason? what’s that all about? can’t life just happen? and death, too. it does you know! is that too easy? it is, isn’t it? ok-never mind.

cheers, jt