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> Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

22 January 2006, 06:28

You have to have money to make money.. Most of us posting one this blog are poor working stiffs. My "hi-tech-computer-job" is paying me about 2/3 of what it was paying me back in 2003... it was either get the lower pay or see my job outsourced to India.

Even with this, there is still pressure to outsource it. I was able to be make a comfortable living in 2003 and to put some money for my girl for her future. Now that has been used up. I rent; because of the fear of outsourcing. I would have liked to have bought a house and have another child to my family. I cannot understand how many people simply are not realizing nor thinking of what is hapenning as far as living.

I am not sure with all of this IOB and all; but if it happens, I hope the new model is a lot more humane.