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Rome « Indignés » : 70 blessés, dont trois graves... (videos)

16 octobre 2011, 12:33, par Jean-Louis

Il y a un texte intéressant dont je donne le lien plus bas, en anglais malheureusement et je n’ai pas le temps de le traduire. En voici un extrait (là on remonte à novembre 2010) :

"The website registered to Paulina Arcos has an affiliated email address : Arcos, Paulina When searching this email address, it leads to the “European Revolution” website, which states the following :
“We are an informative platform in English that aims to support the ongoing pro-democracy protests throughout Europe. We believe in alternative and independent media, net neutrality, real participatory democracy, active citizenship and the common ideals put forth by the first protests in Spain. We understand this … revolution is made up of global citizens facing global issues, therefore, one of our goals is to create a net of volunteers and activists from around Europe to fight for our common goal. We are open for collaboration in many ways, feel free to contact us at :“
(Official web :, Official Twitter : @15mayrevolution Email :, The official websites listed :,,
We also find a WikiLeaks cable information (created September 23rd 2005, released August 30th, 2011) on Francisco Carrion Mena ; spouse of Paulina Arcos : “Francisco Carrion Mena, who has been tapped to replace Foreign Minister Antonio Parra, comes to the job with a history of leftist leanings, but with a solid background as a career diplomat and a good relationship with the United States. … We are guardedly optimistic about the change in leadership at the Foreign Ministry. Admittedly, Carrion benefits from any comparison to his predessor who consistently set back mission goals by courting Venezuela …”
The questions behind the organization/organizations become much more complicated when one reads this post on the ‘WikiLeaks Central’ website referring to “European Revolution” activists taking a decision to become ‘public’. One signatory of the letter is ‘Santiago Carrion’. Is this the son of Francisco Carrion Mena ; spouse of Paulina Arcos ?
Excerpt from the letter :
“From November 2010 we have been working on a daily basis in different fields of Internet activism and journalism anonymously. We have decided, however, to become public. The reasons are many, our personal security being the main one. After all this, we have reasons to believe that our personal integrity might be at risk. For example, in May, our web was blocked via DNS in France, Belgium and Germany. Afterwards, our server in Iceland was penetrated and all our content deleted…”