Home > The most important video from the John Kerry Student Taser Incident at the (…)

The most important video from the John Kerry Student Taser Incident at the University of Florida

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 18 September 2007

Edito Police - Repression School-University USA


Yesterday, September 17, at a John Kerry speech, Andrew Meyer, a University of Florida student was tasered and arrested by police on-campus. This incident took place after “his microphone was cut off” while he was asking John Kerry questions during the question period.

The following news was broadcast by MSNBC: Was it Something I said?

Just reading and watching the mainstream news coverage linked above is shocking enough but wait until you see the following footage.

Here is a video of Andrew Meyer walking up to the microphone to ask his question. John Kerry actually indicates that he is ready for him, and Meyer thanks Kerry for “coming and being open and honest”. Within 30 seconds, while Meyer is prepping his questions, you see the following people and chain of events.

There are two men, one much taller then the other, dressed in dark suites, standing behind Meyer. These men are clearly either secret service, with the organizing committee, or with the John Kerry entourage. There are also two police officers standing behind Meyer, one female and one male. The following sequence of events takes place:

The taller “secret service” man whispers into the ear of the shorter man who in turn whispers into the ear of the female police officer who immediately moves towards Meyer and appears as if she is asking him to either move along or wrap it up. Keep in mind that this sequence of events began within 30 seconds of Meyer talking on the microphone, during which time, he has already thanked Kerry and referenced the following book by Greg Palast, Armed Madhouse, which Kerry states that has read.

Meyer clearly gets agitated by the actions taken by the police, and states that Kerry has been talking for two hours and that he should be allowed to talk for two minutes and “inform people” before he asks his questions. He even thanks the police officers, be it in a condescending tone.

He is allowed to continue talking for approximately an additional 40 seconds during which time he is able to state that: “there is multiple reports of disenfranchisement of black voters on the day of the election, 2004” that “there are voting machines, electronic voting machines … in Florida that counted backwards. So amidst all these reports of phony bogus stuff going on how could you (Kerry) concede the 2004 election on the day?”

While Meyer is talking, the police officers and the men dressed in the dark suites continue to whisper to each other, clearly getting anxious, and wanting to remove Mr. Meyer.

In these 40 seconds he is also able to ask three additional questions: “Didn’t you (Kerry) want to be president?”, “How come you (Kerry) are not saying lets impeach Bush now, lets impeach Bush now, before we can invade Iran?” and “are you (Kerry) a member of the Skull and Bones?” Those were the last words that he was allowed to speak into the microphone. He was then aggressively manhandled by the police, which he was clearly extremely angry about and resisted.

During the ensuing chaos, which he did not instigate, you can hear him asking for help, asking people why this is happening to him, and stating that he is afraid of the cops and does not want to be taken away by them. He clearly fears for his safety, and as indicated by the incident, rightfully so. He even offers to walk out of the auditorium on his own if the police will unhand him.

In the following days and weeks, hopefully, there will be a tremendous amount of discussion and analysis of this incident. This video uploaded by Youtuber, xELRx, who can be contacted on his personal blog at xxxibmxxxx.nexo.com, is important video evidence of the chain of command that is in place to silence those who ask the “wrong” questions at a public political gathering.

What I find most appalling about this incident is that some people were actually laughing and applauding what the police were doing to his student. What gives me hope is that many more people were actually trying to help Meyer.

The United States of America is a dangerous place, however it appears that people should no longer fear those that break the law but those that enforce the law.

Additional commentaries and video footage is available on the Internet, and as long as the Internet remains Neutral we will hopefully continue to obtain unfiltered accurate reports from real people about real events.





Forum posts

  • Please, what can we actually DO about this? I saw video elsewhere, and immediately emailed congress, senate, and judiciary committee-and John Kerry. But emails are probably ignored, as it seems is all else. WHAT CAN WE DO???? ABOUT THIS, AND ABOUT ALL THE OTHER INCREDIBLE SHIT THAT IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY???

    • maybe its time to repeatedly write your congress crittersand get them to do something cheap and constructive, tell them to start legislation to require all on duty police personnel to wear live streaming cameras in their badges and belt buckles, bandwith could be acquired by individual city and county and state forces, put all cameras on the internet and that way citizens could police the police. that way if they have 2 cameras there should be no excuse why one camera isnt working at all times they are on duty, first time no camera is on while on duty , the last time you work in law enforcement, the details could be fine tuned , but just about everyone knows someone in the last 10 years who have been assaulted by the supposed peace officers, this way when someone accuses them of it they will have evidence that shows otherwize if they are doing their job correctly, this would also make prosecuting crime much simpler as well, with every action of the arresting oficers on film, now your court system is unclogged too, look if they can watch us why cant we watch them, same thing should apply to politicians as well.

    • Perhaps there is nothing you can do! Did you ever think about that?

  • Dear Mr. KERRY:
    Please answer the following Questions:

    1.“there is multiple reports of disenfranchisement of black voters on the day of the election, 2004” that “there are voting machines, electronic voting machines … in Florida that counted backwards. So amidst all these reports of phony bogus stuff going on how could you (Kerry) concede the 2004 election on the day?”

    2.“Didn’t you (Kerry) want to be president?”

    3.“How come you (Kerry) are not saying lets impeach Bush now, lets impeach Bush now, before we can invade Iran?”

    4.“are you (Kerry) a member of the Skull and Bones?”

    5. Mr. Kerry, As you stood there watching that person being tortured, why didn’t you say something.....(like, "let go of that person, let him speak, the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech!")
    or do something to help that person being tortured!
    You did NOTHING!

    These questions should be asked by every reporter during any Interview that Mr. Kerry gives!
    Every Citizen should ask Mr. Kerry these questions every time he makes a Public appearance!
    We must right letters to Mr. Kerry asking him to answer these questions!

    If Mr. Kerry has nothing to hide......why is he hiding everything?

  • < ......now things become clearer>>

    • I think what needs to happen is that EVERY time these Fascist Democracy hating parasites like Kerry speak in public is that citizens need to KEEP ON ASKING REAL QUESTIONS!!!! OVER AND OVER AND OVER. BUt the questioners need to realize they need to learn the art of THE GAME too and when to hold em and when to fold em. Its an art and they need to remember they are playing against professional liars and actors whether they be Kerry, Bush, Clinton or whomever the crime figures might be, and that these PRETENDERS keep Nazi Brown Shirts on hand to guard against having to answer any REAL questions. I understand the young mans frustration having to deal with this constant BS but learning to keep cool in the presence of The Nazis will go along way to helping promote the message that Truthers can keep the upper hand and not sink to the level of The Haters of Truth.

    • Niemoeller was a pacifist who spoke out against nuclear weapons. He is best known for his powerful statement about the failure of Germans to speak out against the Nazis:

      “First they came for the Communists,
      but I was not a Communist s
      o I did not speak out.
      Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists,
      but I was neither,
      so I did not speak out.
      Then they came for the Jews,
      but I was not a Jew
      so I did not speak out.
      And when they came for me,
      there was no one left
      to speak out for me.”

      He died in Wiesbaden on March 6, 1984


      Then they camme for the Palestinians
      But I was not a Palestinian ,
      so idid not Speak out ,

      For Arabs ...

      For Iranians

      And when they came for me
      there was no one left
      to speak for me.

      For those who think that ethis cans be divided


    • How many more wake up calls do we need to have before we realize that this country is not about the freedom it falsely upholds.
      Quite the opposite, this nation is hell bent on becoming a totalitarian state.
      And we have two treacherous acts of Congress to prove this point:
      the horrendous US Patriot Act and the equally bad Military Commissions Act, both of which make mince meat of our Bill of Rights, & both bills passed Congress, with dimocratic approval, without a problem, no sir.

      Truly, there is no difference between the Dimocrats or the Repukables.
      They are two false wings of the same power structure.
      False in that one wing pretends to be Conservative, but are actually Fascist, i.e. the Repukable Party and the other wing pretends to Democratic-Socialist, when they are nothing but a softer, lighter version of Repukable Fascism.

      One preaches to the right, the other wing preaches to the left, but both serve the same masters.
      And their masters are most definitely not the American people.

  • Not only has the rogue Bush/Cheney junta turned the US into a fascist police-state but through Britain being Washington’s vassal state it too is being rapidly totalitarianized.

    We are entering another Dark Age.

    The capitalist system is on the run from Mother Earth herself and will use every filthy trick to try and maintain control. Only a huge economic collapse, followed by great environmental collapses across the Planet might weaken the capitalist system. But then there will be an even greater reaction and the Nazis will march again.

    Those who dare to speak out for human decency will be eliminated. The Dark Age will go on until human beings can (and will they?) rise up en masse against the dictators. The danger is that before that happens there will be a thermonuclear war which will finish us all off.

    God help All Life on Earth from the Devils who rule us!

    • "Britain being Washington’s vassal state"

      Have you ever considered the idea that US could be London’s vassal state? Look at Bush/Cheney/Kerry genealogy to get a clue.

  • Sounds to me like the kid got a little out of hand!

    • "Sounds to me the kid got a little out of hand".
      Well, I think the thing to ask is out of WHO’S hand and why, the hand of BIG BROTHER to try and control a citizens right to ask a question? You are right in the fact that citizens are going to have to learn NOT to be provoked and I admit the young man in this NAZI climate needs to learn the correct time to "fold em" AFTER he has made his point. BUT the REAL question thats needs asked is why was his mike turned off at all, why do our so called ’leaders’ fear the QUESTIONS so much more than the questioner? What is Kerry and all the others of his ilk so afraid of? The answer to that is found in the fact that they ALL have so much to hide, all the way from the rigged elections, to the FRAUD on the American people that was 9-11, to their "Skull and Bones" allegiances, to their sell out of American citizens, their constitution, their country. What we are all witnessing now is an attempted 100% takerover and destruction of any real democracy and in it’s place an attempted rule by simply a very few very well funded ELITITISTS. And obviously as this progresses like every other attempt throughout history where The Few tried to enforce THEIR Agenda over The Many it is going to create bad feelings and RESISTANCE.

  • Ron Paul?
    We don’t think so......
    He wants dirt roads....
    Private Police....
    Private Schools....
    Private Etc.....
    We are a/an SOCIETY.....
    Tax the Bush Elite!
    They’re stealing all the Money!

    • The "Bush Elite" is the same as the "Clinton Elite" or the "Kerry Elite" or the Lieberman Elite" or the "Schumer Elite" or the etc. etc. . Simply name me just ONE presidential candidate that would uphold our constitutional principles and Bill of Rights better than the honorable Dr. Ron Paul just ONE! Shillary..... Edwards.....Guiliani..... MCTorture..... Hahhahahhaha.. thats what I thought they ALL hate the Bill of Rights and are working TIRELESSLY for it’s destruction. Ron Paul 2008. Americas BEST hope. And maybe LAST hope!

    • We should all be up in arms about the way the POLICE are handling things. After they have their SWAT training - they are no longer the protectors, but the abusers. We have men and women in CONGRESS who have/are voting away the rights of every man and woman in each of the states - THESE REPS are supposed to represent the people.

      Has the LOVE OF MONEY created DEMONS of men and woman?

      We need to push for the truth of 9-11. Get the truth of 9-11 and the traitors, who terrorize, will be exposed and then need to be removed so that no harm be befall others.


      How can Hillary, whose husband was charged with a crime, a criminal, run for office of anything. Her husband is a felon. A FELON can not reside in the White House. Is this not true?

      We need to question more and not rely on dishonest men and women for TRUTH.

    • flaccid, cowardly kerry has no business anymore running for office or speaking in public. (why does anyone even come to hear him after he ’rolled over’ the day after after the election? ?) he should retreat to his mansion and never again appear publically speaking about politics— unles he has a complete change-of-heart and publically repudiates the ’ill-loo-ME!!!-naughty’ of which he is a cooperative servent/beneficiary because he is a member of skull & bones...

      what is particularly appalling and alarming was the students who APPLAUDED and CHEERED as their fellow student was dragged from the microphone and roughed up. it was ’as if’ his questions were seen as overly rude or bothersome, and he ’got what he deserved’ as appropriate punishment for the ’disruption’ he was causing...

      the seeds of publick skooling and it’s emphasis on ’consensus-building’ and making everyone ’feel comfortable by ensuring a non-confrontational setting’ are starting to bear evil fruit... just wait till tHey start taking people away in public and broad daylight! (whoops, tHey just DID!)

      also deeply disturbing is the role of the campus security force in this! it seemed as if the ’police’ that dragged and tasered the (tuition-paying "customer" in a sense!!) student were the private campus security guards. traditionally— till now!!!— they served to protect students from each other, outsiders and themselves, and raise some revenue via parking tickets, and help insulate students — where possible — from the official ’outside’ town police force...

      or maybe the attacking group was some unholy combination of private and public police...

      one of the pig-faced ’uniforms’ kneeling on Meyer has an almost orgasmic grin on his peon face as Meyer was screaming from the taser.

      parents paying sky-high tuition, room-and-board and fees for their precious children —and students who are working hard to put themselves through college— should take notice and rise up in OUTRAGE over this abrupt switch in priorities— the campus police that YOU pay for are no longer there to PROTECT you and your children, now they are power-mad snitches-with-deadly-weapons enforcing the nwo official status quo... and university is no longer a place to engage in free speech and open dialogue, it is a mind-control conditioning apparatus
