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Japon 1978, lutte contre l’aéroport de Narita (vidéos)

27 novembre 2012, 01:24, par pilhaouer

La lutte contre la construction de l’aéroport de Narita qui avait commencé en 1966 se poursuit !!!!
L’aéroport n’est toujours pas terminé (deux pistes dont l’une trop courte sur les trois prévues)

Il y a encore des paysans de Sanritzuka sur le site qui résistent aux expropriations !

Last bastion of Narita airport opponents demolished

National Aug. 09, 2011 - 06:28AM JST ( 7 )


A small structure built on Narita International Airport property, the last bastion of the so-called “Narita Toso” movement which opposed the building and continued operation of the airport, was demolished by riot police using construction equipment over the weekend, police said Monday.

The structure had stood since 1966, before the airport had opened for business, and was the rallying point for members of the movement.

Narita International Airport management sued for the structure’s removal in 2004. After a lengthy judicial process, the Tokyo High Court finally sided with the airport in May of this year.

La dernière manif’ 7 octobre 2012 !!!